Dads Can
Dads Can is an on the ground project for young men between the ages of 15 and 25 years who are dads, expectant dads or are fulfilling the ‘dad-role’ (step-dads, foster dads, older brothers etc).
The aim is to raise understanding to young dads, and those around them, of the important role fathers play in their children’s lives – regardless of age, experience or situation.
Dads Can provides activities for dads and for dads with their children; training and courses to improve prospects or life skills; financial advice; personal development opportunities; a network of support; a chance to be heard; a way for their experiences to make a difference.
The website – – is open to everyone and will provide information quickly and easily to dads of all ages.
Advice / support can also be accessed through Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.
‘Dads Can’ works with young dads in order for them to realise the opportunities while supporting them to overcome the obstacles.
For further information, please contact:
Jane Grayer on 01495 761092; 07891684499 or jane.grayer@monmouthshire