Information on Prevention Service
What is the Prevention Project?
The Prevention Project is a multi-agency project with the aim of reducing the risk of crime, anti-social behaviour and/or social exclusion in young people aged 10 – 17 years. It is part of the Monmouthshire and Torfaen Youth Offending Service and is jointly funded by the Youth Justice Board and Welsh Government.
Who is involved in the partnership?
- Youth Offending Service
- Police
- Community Safety Partnership
- Youth Service
- Social Services
- Education
- Housing
Who should be referred to the project?
Young people who are showing signs of offending or committing anti social behaviour. With support young people on the edge of entering the Criminal Justice System can be reintegrated back into their communities and helped to achieve their potential in life.
Who should make referrals?
Any partner agency can make a referral if they feel a young person is at risk of offending and/or anti social behaviour.
How to make a referral?
If you are working with a young person who you feel meets the criteria for the Project you should make contact with the Prevention Project Co-ordinator. You can discuss your concerns and determine whether the young person and family meet the criteria. As the referral has not formally been made and consent not obtained, you will not provide personal details i.e. name, address etc at this point. Full information will be included in the referral form.
If the behaviour meets the criteria, the referrer should discuss the referral with the young person and family and obtain their consent. The Prevention Service is not able to engage with families unless they are willing to participate as the service is provided on a voluntary basis.
If the referral in not appropriate, the Project Co-ordinator can discuss signposting to other services.
What happens once the referral is made?
The referrer will be given the date of the Prevention Panel where the referral will be considered and will be required to attend the meeting.
Information requests are sent out to partner agencies to build a bigger picture of the issues in the young person’s life.
The Prevention Social Worker will visit the young person and family to carry out an assessment to identify the required needs.
What happens at the Prevention Panel?
The referrer presents the referral and talks about the intervention/involvement their agency has with the young person and family.
The Prevention Social Worker will give details of the assessment carried out and the needs identified.
A discussion takes place and a provisional Intervention Plan is suggested. The Plan will include actions for the Prevention Service, as well as actions for other partner agencies (where appropriate).
Following the meeting the young person and family are again visited by the Prevention Social Worker and the Intervention Plan is signed.
What sort of intervention will be offered?
The type of intervention offered will depend on the outcome of the assessment. Examples of intervention include:
- Consequences of offending behaviour and the Criminal Justice System.
- Anti Social Behaviour Programme.
- Substance Misuse.
- Accessing constructive activities.
- Family Support.
- Attendance at group activities.